and/or I would go down the wrong path and
easily become alcoholics. I have recently
decided that alcoholic is the lesser issue
here and that there are different "Holic" tenancies
to worry more about ...
How is a "Holic" tenancy described? ..
An unhealthy obsession; something you just
CAN NOT STOP DOING without the
overwhelming feeling that you might die at
any moment without it.
I have discovered that I have many of these
"Holic" tenancies .. to name a few ..
- Coffee Drinking
- Purchasing music off of iTunes
- Watching The Office
- Texting
- McDonalds Breakfast
etc ...
In my opinion all can definitely be considered extremely "unhealthy"
and all of which can and should be viewed just as negatively
as the so feared alcoholic .. I guess that's all we need ..
just a few more "Holics" ...